Wellness Employee Participation
Check this page to track your city's or town's screening registration progress to see if you achieve the 80% Employee Participation goal!
Please note that these figures are based off of ISWM registration reports for each employer group, and do not necessarily reflect the actual attendance. These figures are only an estimation of each employer's registered employees, incentives paid will be based off of actual attendance. Additionally, there is potential for inaccuracy in these calculations due to changes of eligible employees during Wellness season, as well as people registering and self-reporting to ISWM that they are employees when they are in fact a retiree, spouse or dependent. If you need clarification in any of these figures, please reach out to the EB team.
Exceptions to this include groups that attend screenings instead at a Montana Health Center; figures for Boulder, Helena, East Helena and MMIA/League will be based off of attendance reports from Premise.